SOP for Temperature Monitoring

Standard Operating Procedure for Temperature Monitoring


The purpose of this SOP is to establish procedures for monitoring and maintaining temperature-controlled storage areas in the pharmaceutical warehouse.


This SOP applies to all personnel responsible for monitoring temperature-controlled storage areas and handling temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products.


  • Warehouse Manager: Overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with temperature monitoring SOP.
  • Temperature Monitoring Personnel: Responsible for regularly monitoring and recording temperatures in designated storage areas.
  • Quality Assurance: Responsible for reviewing temperature monitoring records and addressing any deviations from specified temperature ranges.
  • Facilities Management: Responsible for maintaining temperature-controlled storage equipment and addressing any issues promptly.
See also  SOP for Prevention of Cross-Contamination


  1. Temperature Monitoring Equipment:
    • Ensure that temperature monitoring equipment, such as data loggers or sensors, is calibrated and functioning properly.
    • Place temperature monitoring devices strategically throughout temperature-controlled storage areas to capture accurate readings.
    • Regularly inspect and maintain temperature monitoring equipment to ensure reliability.
  2. Temperature Monitoring:
    • Monitor temperatures in temperature-controlled storage areas at regular intervals, as specified by SOP.
    • Record temperature readings accurately and legibly on designated temperature monitoring logs or electronic systems.
    • Immediately investigate any temperature deviations outside of specified ranges and document corrective actions taken.
  3. Temperature Maintenance:
    • Ensure that temperature-controlled storage areas are properly insulated and sealed to maintain consistent temperatures.
    • Monitor environmental factors such as humidity levels and ventilation to prevent temperature fluctuations.
    • Implement backup power systems or contingency plans to maintain temperature control in the event of power outages or equipment failures.
  4. Temperature Deviation Management:
    • Develop procedures for managing temperature deviations, including protocols for product disposition and notification of relevant personnel.
    • Investigate root causes of temperature deviations and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
    • Document all temperature deviation incidents and corrective actions taken for review and audit purposes.
See also  SOP for Packaging Material Handling


  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure


  • Temperature Monitoring Logs
  • Calibration Certificates
  • Corrective Action Reports

SOP Version

Version 1.0

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