SOP for Regulatory Product Complaint Handling

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Regulatory Product Complaint Handling

The purpose of this SOP is to establish guidelines and procedures for the effective and timely handling of product complaints in compliance with regulatory requirements. This SOP ensures that all product complaints are properly documented, investigated, and resolved to maintain customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance.

This SOP applies to all personnel involved in regulatory affairs, quality assurance, customer service, and other relevant departments responsible for handling product complaints within the organization.

3.1 Regulatory Affairs Department:

Establish and maintain procedures for product complaint handling in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Ensure compliance with applicable regulations and guidelines related to product complaint handling.
Coordinate with cross-functional teams to investigate and resolve product complaints.
3.2 Quality Assurance Department:

Review and assess product complaints for regulatory significance and potential impact on product safety and quality.
Conduct investigations into product complaints to identify root causes and potential corrective actions.
Ensure appropriate documentation and reporting of product complaints in accordance with regulatory requirements.
3.3 Customer Service Department:

See also  SOP for Regulatory Risk Assessment and Management

Receive and document product complaints from customers or authorized representatives.
Provide initial response and acknowledgment to customers regarding their product complaints.
Collaborate with regulatory affairs and quality assurance teams to facilitate complaint investigation and resolution.

4.1 Complaint Receipt and Documentation:
4.1.1 Establish a designated channel or system to receive product complaints, such as a dedicated complaint hotline or email address.
4.1.2 Promptly record and document all relevant details of the complaint, including the complainant’s contact information, nature of the complaint, product details, and any supporting evidence provided.
4.2 Initial Assessment:
4.2.1 Review the received complaint to determine if it meets the criteria for a valid product complaint.
4.2.2 Assign a unique identifier to each complaint for tracking purposes.

4.3 Investigation and Root Cause Analysis:
4.3.1 Assign responsible individuals or a cross-functional team to conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint.
4.3.2 Collect and analyze relevant information, including batch records, testing results, and any other available data related to the complaint.
4.3.3 Perform a root cause analysis to identify the underlying causes of the complaint.
4.3.4 Determine the appropriate corrective and preventive actions to address the identified root causes.

See also  SOP for Regulatory Document Control

4.4 Resolution and Response:
4.4.1 Develop a response plan based on the investigation findings and proposed corrective actions.
4.4.2 Provide a timely and appropriate response to the complainant, acknowledging the complaint and detailing the actions taken or planned.
4.4.3 Document the resolution and response in the complaint handling system or database.

4.5 Documentation and Reporting:
4.5.1 Maintain a comprehensive record of all product complaints, including complaint details, investigation findings, actions taken, and resolution outcomes.
4.5.2 Report adverse events or serious complaints to the relevant regulatory authorities within the specified timelines as per regulatory requirements.

Abbreviations Used (if any):

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
RA: Regulatory Affairs

Product Complaint Handling Procedures
Product Complaint Forms/Templates
Complaint Investigation and Root Cause Analysis Forms/Templates
Complaint Tracking Log or Database

Reference (if any):
Applicable regulatory requirements and guidelines for product complaint handling.

SOP Version: [Specify SOP version number and date of the latest revision]

See also  SOP for Regulatory Submissions Tracking and Reporting

Note: This SOP should be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to align with changes in regulations and industry best practices. Regular training and awareness programs should be conducted to ensure employees are familiar with the product complaint handling procedures and their responsibilities. Any deviations from this SOP should be documented, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate personnel. Additionally, the effectiveness of the product complaint handling process should be periodically evaluated, and improvements should be implemented as needed. It is crucial to maintain a customer-centric approach and prioritize timely and appropriate resolution of product complaints to ensure customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance.

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