SOP for Water Bath

SOP for Water Bath

Standard Operating Procedure for Using Water Bath

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedure for the proper operation and maintenance of the water bath used in the pharmaceutical manufacturing of otic dosage forms to maintain consistent temperature conditions for sample heating and incubation.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of the water bath in the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility.

3) Responsibilities

Operators: Responsible for correctly operating the water bath as per this SOP.
Quality Control (QC) Personnel: Responsible for monitoring temperature conditions and sample integrity.
Maintenance Personnel: Responsible for maintaining the water bath in proper working condition.

See also  SOP for Bottling Line

4) Procedure

4.1 Setup and Preparation
4.1.1 Inspection Inspect the water bath for cleanliness and proper functioning before use. Ensure the water level is adequate and there are no leaks or malfunctions.

4.1.2 Temperature Setting Set the water bath to the desired temperature as per the procedure or protocol. Allow sufficient time for the water bath to reach the set temperature before use.

4.2 Operation
4.2.1 Loading Samples Place samples or containers securely in the water bath, ensuring they are submerged as required. Close the lid or cover of the water bath to maintain temperature stability. Start the timer if necessary for incubation periods.

See also  SOP for Sealing Machine

4.2.2 Monitoring Monitor the temperature of the water bath regularly using a calibrated thermometer. Adjust temperature settings if deviations are observed and document changes.

4.3 Maintenance
4.3.1 Daily Maintenance Clean the water bath after each use to remove residues and prevent contamination. Drain and refill the water bath periodically according to facility protocols. Inspect and clean the heating elements and sensors as needed.

4.3.2 Calibration Calibrate the water bath temperature settings regularly using a certified thermometer. Record calibration results in the equipment log and adjust settings as necessary.

5) Abbreviations, if any

QC: Quality Control
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

See also  SOP for Batch Record Preparation and Review

6) Documents, if any

Temperature log
Maintenance log

7) Reference, if any

Manufacturer’s manual for the water bath
Regulatory guidelines for temperature-controlled environments in pharmaceutical manufacturing

8) SOP Version

Version 1.0

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