SOP for Raw Material Receipt Procedure

The Raw Material Receipt Procedure outlined in this SOP is critical to ensuring the quality and integrity of the raw materials used in the company’s production processes. By following this procedure, the company can ensure that all raw materials received meet the quality standards set by the company and are stored appropriately to maintain their quality until they are used in production.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Raw Material Receipt Procedure

Purpose: To ensure that all raw materials received at the company premises are properly handled, inspected, and stored to maintain their quality and integrity.

Scope: This SOP applies to all raw materials received at the company premises, regardless of the source or supplier.


  1. Receiving personnel are responsible for inspecting the raw materials upon receipt, ensuring they meet the required specifications and are in good condition.
  2. Quality control personnel are responsible for conducting tests and inspections of raw materials to ensure they meet the quality standards set by the company.
  3. Warehouse personnel are responsible for properly storing the raw materials in designated areas and maintaining inventory records.
See also  SOP for Raw Material Sampling Procedure


  1. The receiving personnel will obtain the packing list and verify the quantity and description of the raw materials delivered with the order.
  2. The receiving personnel will visually inspect the raw materials for any damages or defects, and report any discrepancies or issues to the supplier immediately.
  3. The receiving personnel will collect a representative sample of the raw material and forward it to the quality control department for testing and analysis.
  4. Quality control personnel will conduct appropriate tests and inspections to ensure the raw materials meet the company’s quality standards.
  5. If the raw materials meet the required specifications, they will be accepted and stored in the designated area by the warehouse personnel.
  6. The warehouse personnel will update the inventory records to reflect the receipt of the raw materials.
  7. If the raw materials do not meet the required specifications, the supplier will be notified immediately, and appropriate actions will be taken.
See also  SOP for Raw Material Rejection Procedure

Documentation: All documentation related to the receipt of raw materials, including packing lists, quality control reports, and inventory records, will be maintained as per the company’s standard record-keeping procedures.

Training: All personnel involved in the receipt of raw materials will receive training on this SOP to ensure compliance and adherence to the procedure.

Revision History: Any revisions made to this SOP will be recorded in the revision history.

References: Any relevant documents or procedures related to the Raw Material Receipt Procedure will be listed here.

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