SOP Guide for Pharma

Ointments: SOP for Monitoring Mixing Speeds – V 2.0

SOP for Monitoring Mixing Speeds – V 2.0

Procedure for Monitoring Mixing Speeds

Department Production/Quality Control (QC)/Engineering
SOP No. SOP/Ointment/071
Supersedes V 1.0
Page No. Page X of Y
Issue Date [Insert Issue Date]
Effective Date [Insert Effective Date]
Review Date [Insert Review Date]

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to define a standardized approach for monitoring mixing speeds during ointment manufacturing. Proper mixing speed control ensures uniformity, homogeneity, and consistency of the final product.

2. Scope

This SOP applies to all personnel in the Production, Quality Control (QC), and Engineering departments responsible for setting, monitoring, and verifying mixing speeds in ointment manufacturing.

3. Responsibilities

4. Accountability

The Production and Quality Control Managers are accountable for ensuring that mixing speeds are maintained, monitored, and documented as per regulatory and GMP standards.

5. Procedure

5.1 Equipment and Materials

5.2 Pre-Mixing Checks

5.3 Monitoring Mixing Speeds

5.3.1 Setting Mixing Speeds

5.3.2 Continuous Speed Monitoring

5.4 Speed Adjustment Guidelines

5.5 Post-Mixing Verification

5.6 Documentation

6. Abbreviations

7. Documents

8. References

9. SOP Version

Version 2.0

10. Approval Section

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

11. Annexures

Annexure-1: Mixing Speed Log

Date Batch Number Time Speed (RPM) Observed Consistency Result Verified By
01/02/2025 OINT-101 10:00 AM 250 Homogeneous Pass QA Officer
01/02/2025 OINT-101 10:30 AM 300 Foaming observed Adjusted QA Officer

Annexure-2: Batch Manufacturing Record

Date Batch Number Mixing Stage Target Speed (RPM) Actual Speed (RPM) Final Status Approved By
01/02/2025 OINT-101 Primary Mixing 250 250 Approved QA Head
01/02/2025 OINT-101 Final Homogenization 300 295 Approved QA Head

12. Revision History:

Revision Date Revision No. Details of Revision Reason for Revision Approved By
01/01/2024 1.0 Initial Version New SOP QA Head
01/02/2025 2.0 Updated SOP Format Standardization of Document QA Head
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