Raw Material Sampling Plan: Procedure for Water Sampling

The Raw Material Sampling Plan Procedure for Water outlined in this SOP is critical to ensuring the quality and safety of the water used in the manufacturing processes. By following this procedure, the company can ensure that all water used in the manufacturing processes meets the specified quality standards and does not pose any health risks.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Raw Material Sampling Plan: Procedure for Water Sampling

Purpose: To ensure that water used in the manufacturing processes meets the specified quality standards and does not pose any health risks.

Scope: This SOP applies to all water used in the manufacturing processes, regardless of the source or supplier.

See also  SOP for Raw Material Rejection Procedure


  1. Quality control personnel are responsible for developing the water sampling plan and conducting the required tests and inspections.
  2. Manufacturing personnel are responsible for following the water sampling plan and ensuring that all water used in the manufacturing processes meets the specified quality standards.


  1. Quality control personnel will develop a water sampling plan that outlines the sampling frequency, locations, and testing methods to be used.
  2. Quality control personnel will collect water samples from the specified locations according to the sampling plan.
  3. The samples will be transported to the laboratory for testing and analysis.
  4. Quality control personnel will conduct appropriate tests and inspections to ensure that the water meets the specified quality standards.
  5. If the water meets the specified quality standards, it will be approved for use in the manufacturing processes.
  6. If the water does not meet the specified quality standards, appropriate corrective actions will be taken, and the water will not be used in the manufacturing processes until it meets the specified quality standards.
See also  SOP on Raw Material Retention Procedure

Documentation: All documentation related to the water sampling plan, including the sampling frequency, locations, and testing methods used, will be maintained as per the company’s standard record-keeping procedures.

Training: All personnel involved in the water sampling plan procedure will receive training on this SOP to ensure compliance and adherence to the procedure.

Revision History: Any revisions made to this SOP will be recorded in the revision history.

References: Any relevant documents or procedures related to the Raw Material Sampling Plan Procedure for Water will be listed here.