SOP Guide for Pharma

SOP for Calibration of Particle Size Analyzers for Nebulizers

SOP for Calibration of Particle Size Analyzers for Nebulizers

Standard Operating Procedure for Calibrating Particle Size Analyzers Used in Nebulizer Testing

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to define a standardized procedure for the calibration of particle size analyzers to ensure accurate and reliable measurement of aerosol particle sizes in nebulizer products.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to all particle size analyzers used in the quality control and testing of nebulizers within the manufacturing facility.

3) Responsibilities

Operators: Perform basic calibration checks and operate the particle size analyzer.
Quality Assurance (QA): Review calibration records and approve analyzer functionality.
Maintenance Team: Conduct scheduled calibration, troubleshooting, and advanced maintenance.

4) Procedure

4.1 Pre-Calibration Preparation

4.2 Calibration Procedure

4.3 Post-Calibration Verification

4.4 Frequency of Calibration

4.5 Handling Calibration Errors

5) Abbreviations

6) Documents

The following documents should be maintained:

7) References

Relevant regulatory guidelines and references include:

8) SOP Version

Version: 1.0


Annexure Title: Particle Size Analyzer Calibration Log

Date Analyzer ID Standard Used Expected Value Observed Value Operator Initials Remarks
DD/MM/YYYY Analyzer Identifier Standard Name Reference Value Measured Value Operator Name Details of calibration

Annexure Title: Calibration Error Report

Date Analyzer ID Error Observed Corrective Action Performed By QA Approval
DD/MM/YYYY Analyzer Identifier Error Description Action Taken Operator Name QA Name

Annexure Title: Calibration Validation Records

Date Analyzer ID Validation Standard Validation Status Performed By Remarks
DD/MM/YYYY Analyzer Identifier Standard Name Pass/Fail Operator Name Details of validation
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