SOP for Cleaning and Maintenance of Thickness Sorting Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure Cleaning and Maintenance of Thickness Sorting Equipment


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish a well-structured and systematic approach for the cleaning and maintenance of the Thickness Sorting Equipment. Proper cleaning and regular maintenance are crucial for ensuring the reliable performance, accuracy, and longevity of the equipment. By following this SOP, we ensure that the sorting equipment remains in optimal condition, upholds its precision, and contributes to the production of high-quality pharmaceutical products.


This SOP is applicable to all personnel involved in the cleaning and maintenance of the Thickness Sorting Equipment at [Pharmaceutical Company Name]. It covers all aspects of equipment cleaning, routine inspections, and scheduled maintenance activities. The SOP outlines the step-by-step procedure to be followed and the necessary documentation to be maintained during the cleaning and maintenance process.


The successful implementation of this SOP requires active involvement and responsibility from the following personnel:

  • Quality Assurance Department: Responsible for developing, reviewing, and approving this SOP. They shall also conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance and the effectiveness of the cleaning and maintenance activities.
  • Equipment Maintenance Team: Responsible for performing the cleaning and maintenance tasks as per the defined schedule and procedures.
  • Production Operators: Responsible for cooperating with the maintenance team, providing necessary information, and reporting any equipment issues promptly.
  • Quality Control Team: Responsible for verifying the effectiveness of the cleaning and maintenance process and conducting relevant quality checks.
See also  SOP for Blending Process


The following step-by-step procedure must be followed for the Cleaning and Maintenance of the Thickness Sorting Equipment:

  1. Cleaning:
    • Ensure that the Thickness Sorting Equipment is powered off and disconnected from the power source before starting the cleaning process.
    • Remove any remaining tablets or debris from the equipment using approved cleaning tools such as lint-free wipes or soft brushes.
    • Prepare a cleaning solution using the specified cleaning agent and water according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Clean all external surfaces of the equipment using the prepared cleaning solution and ensure that no residues are left behind.
    • Allow the equipment to dry completely before proceeding with the maintenance activities.
  2. Routine Inspection:
    • Conduct a visual inspection of the equipment to identify any signs of wear, damage, or abnormality.
    • Check for any loose connections, fasteners, or components that may impact the equipment’s performance.
    • Inspect the sorting trays and belts for any signs of wear or contamination and replace them if necessary.
  3. Scheduled Maintenance:
    • Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended maintenance schedule and procedures.
    • Perform scheduled maintenance tasks, such as lubrication of moving parts and calibration verification, as per the defined schedule.
    • Document all maintenance activities in the maintenance logbook, including the date, time, and details of the tasks performed.
  4. Final Evaluation:
    • Review the cleaning and maintenance records to ensure that all tasks were completed as required.
    • If any issues or deviations are identified during the cleaning or maintenance process, report them to the appropriate departments for further investigation and resolution.
    • Ensure that the equipment is in proper working condition and ready for use before returning it to production.
See also  SOP for Tablet Dedusting Process


No abbreviations are used in this SOP.


The following documents are referenced in this SOP:

  • Thickness Sorting Equipment Manufacturer’s Guidelines and Documentation
  • Cleaning Logbook
  • Maintenance Logbook


No external references are used in this SOP.

SOP Version

This is version 1.0 of the SOP for Cleaning and Maintenance of Thickness Sorting Equipment, issued on [Date of Issue].