SOP for Data Integrity Risk Assessment

Standard Operating Procedure for Data Integrity Risk Assessment


The purpose of this SOP is to establish procedures for conducting systematic data integrity risk assessments within the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. This process helps identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks to data integrity throughout the data lifecycle.


This SOP applies to all personnel involved in data generation, processing, and management, including operators, IT personnel, quality control personnel, and quality assurance personnel.


  • Data Integrity Officer: Responsible for coordinating and overseeing the data integrity risk assessment process, including the identification of risk owners and the implementation of risk mitigation strategies.
  • Department Supervisors: Responsible for identifying and assessing data integrity risks within their respective departments and implementing corrective and preventive actions.
  • Quality Assurance Personnel: Responsible for providing oversight of the data integrity risk assessment process, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and reviewing and approving risk assessment reports.
See also  SOP Vendor Data Integrity


  1. Identification of Data Integrity Risks: Collaborate with department supervisors and key stakeholders to identify potential data integrity risks at various stages of the data lifecycle, including data generation, processing, storage, and retrieval.
  2. Risk Owners and Stakeholders: Assign ownership of identified risks to relevant individuals or departments. Ensure that key stakeholders are involved in the assessment process to provide diverse perspectives and expertise.
  3. Data Integrity Risk Assessment Plan: Develop a risk assessment plan outlining the objectives, scope, methodologies, timelines, and responsibilities for the assessment process. Include risk criteria and severity scales for evaluation.
  4. Risk Assessment Methodologies: Utilize appropriate methodologies, such as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), to systematically evaluate and prioritize data integrity risks based on their likelihood and potential impact.
  5. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Develop risk mitigation strategies for identified high-priority risks. These strategies may include process improvements, technology upgrades, enhanced training, or procedural changes to reduce the likelihood or impact of the identified risks.
  6. Documentation of Risk Assessment: Maintain detailed records of the data integrity risk assessment process, including the risk assessment plan, assessment results, risk owner assignments, and the proposed mitigation strategies.
  7. Communication: Communicate the results of the data integrity risk assessment to relevant stakeholders. Provide information on the identified risks, ownership assignments, and the proposed mitigation strategies. Ensure that key personnel are aware of their roles in risk mitigation.
  8. Periodic Review: Conduct periodic reviews of the data integrity risk assessment process to assess its effectiveness. Update the risk assessment plan and mitigation strategies based on feedback, changes in regulations, or emerging best practices.
  9. Training: Provide training to personnel involved in data integrity risk assessment activities to ensure a thorough understanding of the procedures and the importance of identifying and mitigating data integrity risks.
See also  SOP for Data Integrity in LIMS


No abbreviations are used in this SOP.


  • Data Integrity Risk Assessment Plan
  • Risk Assessment Records
  • Mitigation Strategies Documentation
  • Communication Logs
  • Periodic Review Reports


WHO Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Pharmaceutical Products

SOP Version

Version 1.0