SOP for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Compliance

SOP for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Compliance

Standard Operating Procedure for Ensuring GMP Compliance

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to define the procedures for ensuring compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to maintain product quality and safety.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to all manufacturing operations, including the production, control, and storage of all pharmaceutical products within the organization.

3) Responsibilities

The responsibilities for this SOP are divided among various roles:

3.1 Production Staff:

Responsible for adhering to GMP standards during manufacturing processes.

3.2 Quality Control (QC) Personnel:

Responsible for performing tests and inspections to ensure GMP compliance.

3.3 Quality Assurance (QA) Manager:

Responsible for overseeing GMP compliance and conducting audits.

See also  SOP for Environmental Monitoring

3.4 All Employees:

Responsible for understanding and following GMP principles in their daily activities.

4) Procedure

4.1 General GMP Principles:

4.1.1 Ensure that all manufacturing processes are clearly defined and controlled.
4.1.2 Validate critical steps of the processes to ensure consistency and compliance with specifications.
4.1.3 Maintain proper documentation of all procedures and operations to enable traceability.

4.2 Personnel Training and Hygiene:

4.2.1 Provide regular GMP training to all employees involved in manufacturing and quality control.
4.2.2 Ensure that all personnel follow hygiene practices, including wearing appropriate protective clothing and using designated hygiene facilities.

4.3 Equipment and Facility Management:

4.3.1 Maintain all manufacturing equipment in a clean and orderly manner.
4.3.2 Perform regular maintenance and calibration of equipment to ensure proper functioning.
4.3.3 Ensure that the manufacturing facility is designed and maintained to prevent contamination and mix-ups.

See also  SOP for Training and Competency

4.4 Production and Quality Control:

4.4.1 Follow written procedures for all production and quality control activities.
4.4.2 Conduct in-process controls to monitor and adjust the manufacturing process as needed.
4.4.3 Perform final product testing to ensure that products meet all quality specifications before release.

4.5 Documentation and Record Keeping:

4.5.1 Maintain accurate and complete records of all manufacturing, testing, and distribution activities.
4.5.2 Ensure that all records are signed and dated by the responsible personnel.
4.5.3 Store records in a secure and easily retrievable manner.

5) Abbreviations, if any

GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices
QC – Quality Control
QA – Quality Assurance

See also  SOP for Cleaning and Sanitation

6) Documents, if any

1. GMP Training Records
2. Equipment Maintenance Logs
3. Batch Production Records
4. Quality Control Test Reports

7) Reference, if any

1. FDA Guidance on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
2. WHO Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices

8) SOP Version

Version 1.0

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