SOP for Pest Control

Standard Operating Procedure for Pest Control


The purpose of this SOP is to establish procedures for implementing pest control measures in the warehouse to prevent infestations, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and maintain a safe and hygienic environment.


This SOP applies to all areas within the warehouse facility where pests may pose a threat, including storage areas, loading docks, break rooms, and exterior premises.


  • Warehouse Manager: Overall responsibility for implementing and overseeing pest control measures and ensuring compliance with SOP.
  • Pest Control Contractor: Responsible for conducting regular inspections, implementing pest control treatments, and providing recommendations for pest prevention.
  • Warehouse Personnel: Responsible for promptly reporting any signs of pest activity, following pest control procedures, and maintaining cleanliness to prevent infestations.
  • Health and Safety Officer: Responsible for monitoring pest control activities, conducting audits, and ensuring that pest control measures do not pose health or safety risks to personnel.
See also  SOP forĀ  Cleaning of Warehouse


  1. Identification and Assessment:
    • Conduct regular inspections of the warehouse premises to identify potential entry points, harborages, and attractants for pests, such as food spills, standing water, or damaged packaging.
    • Document findings from pest inspections, including the types of pests observed, their activity levels, and any conducive conditions that may contribute to infestations.
    • Assess the severity of pest infestations and the potential risks to stored products, personnel health, and regulatory compliance to determine appropriate pest control measures.
  2. Preventive Measures:
    • Implement preventive measures to minimize the risk of pest entry and infestation, such as sealing cracks and gaps in walls, floors, doors, and windows to prevent pest ingress.
    • Maintain cleanliness and good housekeeping practices in the warehouse, including regular removal of trash, debris, and spilled materials that may attract pests.
    • Store food and perishable items in sealed containers or designated areas to prevent access by pests, and promptly dispose of expired or damaged goods to eliminate potential food sources.
  3. Pest Monitoring and Detection:
    • Install pest monitoring devices, such as insect traps, bait stations, and rodent monitors, in strategic locations throughout the warehouse to detect pest activity and monitor population levels.
    • Regularly inspect and maintain pest monitoring devices, checking for signs of pest activity, replenishing baits or traps as needed, and recording observations in pest monitoring logs.
    • Train warehouse personnel to recognize signs of pest activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or nesting materials, and to report any sightings or evidence of pests promptly.
  4. Pest Control Treatments:
    • Engage licensed pest control contractors to conduct routine pest control treatments, such as insecticide applications, rodent baiting, or fumigation, following established treatment schedules and guidelines.
    • Coordinate pest control activities with warehouse operations to minimize disruption and ensure the safety of personnel and stored products during treatment procedures.
    • Review pest control service reports, including treatment records, pest activity trends, and recommendations for corrective actions or preventive measures, and implement any necessary follow-up actions.
See also  SOP for Product Identification and Labeling


  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure


  • Pest Control Plan
  • Pest Inspection Reports
  • Pest Monitoring Logs
  • Pest Control Service Records

SOP Version

Version 1.0