SOP for Quality Control Testing of Creams and Ointments

Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Control Testing of Creams and Ointments


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines for the quality control testing of creams and ointments manufactured for cutaneous application. It aims to ensure that the products meet predetermined quality standards, regulatory requirements, and specifications before release for distribution or use.


This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the quality control testing of creams and ointments, including laboratory technicians, quality control personnel, and quality assurance personnel.


  • Laboratory Technicians: Responsible for performing quality control tests according to this SOP and ensuring accurate and reliable results.
  • Quality Control (QC) Personnel: Responsible for overseeing quality control testing activities, reviewing test results, and ensuring compliance with quality standards.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Personnel: Responsible for verifying the accuracy and integrity of quality control testing procedures and results, and approving product release.
  • Production Supervisors: Responsible for providing necessary resources and support to facilitate quality control testing activities.
See also  SOP for Calibration and Verification of Friability Tester


  1. Sample Preparation: Retrieve samples of creams and ointments from the production batch according to sampling procedures and prepare them for testing.
  2. Visual Inspection: Perform a visual inspection of the samples for color, odor, consistency, and any visible defects or abnormalities.
  3. pH Measurement: Measure the pH of the samples using a calibrated pH meter to ensure they fall within the specified range.
  4. Viscosity Measurement: Determine the viscosity of the samples using a viscometer or rheometer, following the prescribed method and parameters.
  5. Uniformity of Content: Analyze multiple samples from the batch to assess the uniformity of active ingredient content using validated analytical methods.
  6. Microbial Contamination Testing: Perform microbial testing on the samples to detect and quantify microbial contaminants, following approved methods and procedures.
  7. Preservative Efficacy Testing: Evaluate the effectiveness of preservatives in the samples through challenge testing to ensure microbial stability and product safety.
  8. Stability Testing: Conduct stability studies on the samples under various environmental conditions to assess their shelf life and physical stability over time.
  9. Documentation: Record all test procedures, observations, and results in the appropriate documentation, including batch records, test reports, and laboratory notebooks.
  10. Review and Approval: QA personnel shall review all test results, ensuring they meet acceptance criteria and regulatory requirements before approving product release.
  11. Disposition: Based on the results of quality control testing and QA review, make decisions regarding product disposition, including release, rejection, or further investigation.
See also  SOP for Operation of Tablet Hardness Tester


  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
  • QC: Quality Control
  • QA: Quality Assurance


  • Batch records
  • Test reports
  • Laboratory notebooks
  • Stability study reports
  • Deviation reports


Refer to regulatory guidelines for specific requirements related to quality control testing of pharmaceutical products.

SOP Version

Version 1.0