SOP for Raw Material Expiry Date Management Procedure

1. Purpose:
The purpose of this SOP is to establish a procedure for the effective management of raw material expiry date to ensure that materials are used within their shelf life.

2. Scope:
This procedure applies to all raw materials used in the production processes at the company.

3. Responsibilities:
a. Procurement Department: Responsible for verifying the expiry date of all materials before purchase and ensuring that materials with a shelf life of less than six months are not purchased.
b. Warehouse Department: Responsible for proper storage of materials in accordance with storage requirements and ensures that materials with less than six months’ shelf life are labelled and stored in a separate area.
c. Production Department: Responsible for verifying the expiry date of all materials before use andcc ensuring that no expired materials are used in the production processes.
d. Quality Assurance Department: Responsible for verifying the expiry date of all materials before use and conducting regular inspections of the storage area to ensure that all materials are stored under the required conditions.

See also  SOP for Raw Material Testing Procedure

4. Procedure:
a. The procurement department shall verify the expiry date of all materials before purchase. Materials with a shelf life of less than six months should not be purchased.
b. The warehouse department shall ensure that all materials are stored in accordance with the required conditions, and any materials with less than six months’ shelf life should be labelled and stored in a separate area.
c. The production department shall verify the expiry date of all materials before use, and no expired materials should be used in the production processes.
d. The quality assurance department shall ensure that all departments comply with this SOP and conduct regular inspections of the storage area to ensure that all materials are stored under the required conditions.
e. The warehouse department shall ensure the proper disposal of all expired materials.

See also  SOP on Raw Material Cleaning Procedure

5. Abbreviations:

6. Documents:
a. Material Purchase Order
b. Material Inspection Report
c. Material Storage Report

7. Reference:

8. SOP Version: 1.0