SOP for Sterility Testing in Aseptic Creams

SOP for Sterility Testing in Aseptic Creams

Standard Operating Procedure for Sterility Testing in Aseptic Creams

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to define procedures for conducting sterility testing on aseptic creams. This ensures that creams are free from viable microorganisms that could compromise product safety and quality.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to the Quality Control Department and personnel responsible for conducting sterility testing of aseptic creams. It covers testing methods, acceptance criteria, documentation, and reporting requirements.

3) Responsibilities

The Quality Control Manager is responsible for overseeing sterility testing activities. The Quality Control Team and Testing Technicians are responsible for executing and ensuring compliance with this SOP.

See also  SOP for Calibration of Equipment Used for Creams

4) Procedure

4.1 Sampling

4.1.1 Select representative samples of aseptic creams from the batch for testing.

4.1.2 Ensure samples are taken aseptically and in accordance with sampling plans.

4.1.3 Label each sample with batch information and identification numbers.

4.2 Test Method Selection

4.2.1 Choose appropriate sterility testing method(s) based on product characteristics and regulatory requirements (e.g., membrane filtration, direct inoculation).

4.2.2 Validate selected testing methods as per established protocols and acceptance criteria.

4.3 Sample Preparation

4.3.1 Prepare cream samples for sterility testing under controlled and aseptic conditions.

4.3.2 Ensure samples are handled carefully to avoid contamination during preparation.

4.4 Testing Procedure

See also  SOP for Microbial Testing of Creams

4.4.1 Execute sterility testing according to validated methods and


4.4.2 Incubate samples under appropriate conditions and durations as specified in testing protocols.

4.4.3 Perform microbial growth promotion testing concurrently with sterility testing.

4.5 Examination and Interpretation

4.5.1 Examine incubated samples for evidence of microbial growth using appropriate techniques (e.g., visual inspection, culture methods).

4.5.2 Interpret test results based on growth or absence thereof and compare against acceptance criteria.

4.6 Documentation and Reporting

4.6.1 Document all sterility testing activities, including sampling, preparation, testing methods, procedures, results, and observations.

4.6.2 Prepare sterility testing reports summarizing test conditions, results, conclusions, and recommendations.

See also  SOP for Process Simulation Testing in Creams Production

4.6.3 Obtain approval from Quality Control Management for sterility testing reports.

5) Abbreviations, if any

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

QC: Quality Control

6) Documents, if any

Sterility Testing Protocols

Sterility Testing Reports

Validation Reports for Testing Methods

7) Reference, if any

USP : General chapters related to sterility testing of pharmaceutical products

Company-specific testing procedures for sterility testing

8) SOP Version

Version 1.0

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