SOP Guide for Pharma

SOP for Training Personnel on Hazardous Material Handling

SOP for Training Personnel on Hazardous Material Handling

Standard Operating Procedure for Training Personnel on Hazardous Material Handling

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish systematic training protocols for personnel who handle hazardous materials. The goal is to ensure competency, compliance with safety regulations, and prevention of workplace incidents.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to all employees handling, transporting, storing, or disposing of hazardous materials. It includes both new hires and existing personnel who require refresher training.

3) Responsibilities

  • Supervisors: Identify training needs, nominate personnel for training, and monitor competency post-training.
  • Trainers/Safety Officers: Develop and conduct training programs, assess understanding, and document completion.
  • Employees: Attend training sessions, understand safety protocols, and apply the knowledge in daily tasks.
  • Human Resources (HR): Maintain training records and schedules for mandatory refresher training.

4) Procedure

4.1 Training Needs Identification

  1. Determine Training Requirements:
    1. Identify personnel roles involving hazardous material handling, including:
      • Storage and transportation
      • Sampling and dispensing
      • Spill prevention and emergency response
      • Disposal of hazardous materials
    2. Review regulatory requirements (OSHA, NFPA, etc.) for mandatory training topics.
  2. Categories of Training:
    • Initial Training: Provided to new employees before handling hazardous materials.
    • Refresher Training: Conducted annually or after incidents, process changes, or updates in regulations.
    • Specialized Training: For high-risk operations involving highly reactive, explosive, or toxic materials.

4.2 Development of Training Content

  1. Training Modules: Develop training modules
covering the following topics:
  1. Hazard Awareness:
    • Classification of hazardous materials (flammables, corrosives, toxics, etc.)
    • Labeling and interpreting Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
    • Recognizing physical and health hazards
  2. Safe Handling Procedures:
    • Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Techniques for handling liquids, solids, and gases
    • Safe storage and segregation of incompatible materials
  3. Emergency Response:
    • Spill containment and cleanup procedures
    • Fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers
    • First aid for chemical exposure
  4. Waste Management:
    • Identification and segregation of hazardous waste
    • Safe disposal practices and documentation

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  • Training Materials:
    1. Prepare presentation slides, handouts, videos, and practical demonstration tools.
    2. Use Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and case studies to highlight real-life examples.
    3. Develop written assessments to evaluate knowledge retention.
  • 4.3 Conducting Training

    1. Training Delivery:
      1. Conduct training sessions in:
        • Classroom environments for theory and hazard awareness
        • Designated workstations for hands-on demonstrations
      2. Use role-based practical training to ensure participants can perform their tasks safely.
      3. Incorporate real-time demonstrations, such as spill response drills or PPE usage.
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    3. Training Attendance:
      1. Record attendance for each training session (Annexure 1: Training Attendance Log).
      2. Ensure mandatory participation of identified personnel.
    4. Training Assessments:
      1. Conduct assessments (written and practical) at the end of each session.
      2. Document assessment results and identify personnel requiring additional training.

    4.4 Post-Training Activities

    1. On-the-Job Monitoring:
      1. Supervisors must monitor employees post-training to ensure safe practices.
      2. Address non-compliance with retraining and corrective actions.
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    3. Training Records Management:
      1. Maintain records for each employee, including:
        • Training dates and topics covered
        • Trainer’s name
        • Assessment results
      2. Update training records annually and upon completion of refresher courses.
      3. Use Annexure 2 (Training Record Log) for documentation.

    4.5 Training Refresher Programs

    1. Refresher Training:
      1. Conduct annual refresher training for all employees handling hazardous materials.
      2. Include updates based on:
        • Regulatory changes
        • New hazards or processes
        • Incident analysis and corrective actions
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    3. Post-Incident Training:
      1. Provide immediate training after any incident involving hazardous material mishandling.
      2. Document causes, corrective measures, and prevention strategies.

    5) Abbreviations, if any

    • PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
    • SDS: Safety Data Sheet
    • QA: Quality Assurance

    6) Documents, if any

    • Training Attendance Log
    • Training Record Log
    • Employee Training Assessment Reports

    7) Reference, if any

    • OSHA Hazardous Materials Handling Training Standard (29 CFR 1910.120)
    • NIOSH Training Guidelines for Hazardous Materials

    8) SOP Version

    Version: 1.0


    Template 1: Training Attendance Log

    Date Employee Name Training Topic Trainer Name Signature
    DD/MM/YYYY John Doe Hazardous Material Handling Trainer Name Employee Signature

    Template 2: Training Record Log

    Employee Name Training Topic Date Trainer Name Assessment Result
    John Doe Hazardous Material Sampling DD/MM/YYYY Trainer Name Pass/Fail
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