SOP Guide for Pharma

SOP for Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Hazardous Material Handling

SOP for Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Hazardous Material Handling

Standard Operating Procedure for Proper Use of PPE When Handling Hazardous Materials

1) Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish clear guidelines for the selection, use, and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the handling of hazardous materials. Proper PPE usage ensures personnel safety, minimizes exposure risks, and complies with regulatory standards.

2) Scope

This SOP applies to all employees handling hazardous materials, including during storage, transportation, processing, and disposal within the facility.

3) Responsibilities

  • Operators: Ensure proper selection, use, and maintenance of PPE during all operations involving hazardous materials.
  • Supervisors: Monitor PPE usage and ensure compliance with safety guidelines.
  • Safety Officers: Train personnel on PPE usage, inspect PPE conditions, and address non-compliance.
  • Inventory Managers: Maintain records of PPE stock and ensure availability of suitable PPE.

4) Procedure

4.1 Selection of Appropriate PPE

  1. Identify Hazard Classification:
    1. Review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the hazardous material to identify associated risks:
      • Toxicity (inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact)
      • Corrosivity
      • Flammability
      • Reactivity
    2. Assess physical forms (solid, liquid, gas) and routes of exposure.
  2. Select PPE Based on Hazard Type:
    • Skin Protection:
      • Chemical-resistant gloves (nitrile, neoprene, or latex based on compatibility)
      • Protective suits (Tyvek, chemically impervious materials)
    • Eye and Face Protection:
      • Safety goggles for splash protection
      • Face shields for highly corrosive or reactive
  • Respiratory Protection:
    • N95 respirators for particulates
    • Full-face or half-face respirators with filters for chemical vapors
    • Supplied-air respirators (SARs) for confined spaces or highly toxic gases
  • Foot Protection:
    • Safety boots with chemical-resistant soles
    • Boot covers for additional protection
  • Verification:
    1. Supervisors must verify the PPE compatibility with the hazardous material.
    2. Inspect PPE before use to ensure it is clean, undamaged, and functional.
  • 4.2 Donning (Putting On) PPE

    1. Ensure hands are clean and dry before wearing PPE.
    2. Follow this sequence for donning PPE:
      1. Wear chemical-resistant boots (if required).
      2. Put on protective suits and ensure a snug fit without tears or loose areas.
      3. Wear gloves over the suit cuffs to ensure no skin is exposed.
      4. Wear safety goggles or face shields for eye protection.
      5. Secure respiratory protection as per guidelines (e.g., fit testing for masks).
      6. Confirm all PPE is properly fitted and secured.
    3. Perform a self-check or ask a supervisor to confirm PPE is worn correctly.

    4.3 Doffing (Removing) PPE

    1. Remove PPE in a designated decontamination area to prevent contamination spread.
    2. Follow this sequence for doffing PPE:
      1. Remove gloves carefully, turning them inside-out to contain contaminants.
      2. Remove protective suits by unzipping and rolling outward to avoid contact with skin.
      3. Remove respiratory protection last, avoiding contact with the face.
    3. Dispose of single-use PPE in designated hazardous waste bins.
    4. Clean reusable PPE as per manufacturer guidelines and SDS recommendations.

    4.4 PPE Maintenance and Storage

    1. Maintenance of PPE:
      1. Clean reusable PPE (e.g., suits, goggles) after every use with suitable decontaminants.
      2. Inspect PPE for wear and tear regularly; replace damaged PPE immediately.
      3. Respiratory protection filters must be replaced as per usage hours or manufacturer guidelines.
    2. Storage of PPE:
      1. Store PPE in clean, dry, and designated storage cabinets or rooms.
      2. Ensure separation between clean and contaminated PPE.

    4.5 Training and Compliance

    1. PPE Training:
      1. Conduct training sessions on:
        • Proper selection and use of PPE
        • Donning and doffing techniques
        • Maintenance and inspection procedures
      2. Provide hands-on training with mock handling of hazardous materials.
    2. Monitoring Compliance:
      1. Safety officers must conduct weekly PPE compliance audits.
      2. Document any non-compliance, provide corrective training, and issue warnings if necessary.

    5) Abbreviations, if any

    • PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
    • SDS: Safety Data Sheet
    • QA: Quality Assurance

    6) Documents, if any

    • PPE Inspection Checklist
    • PPE Training Records
    • Incident Reports for PPE Non-Compliance

    7) Reference, if any

    • OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Standard (29 CFR 1910.132)
    • NIOSH PPE Guidelines
    • Manufacturer Recommendations for PPE

    8) SOP Version

    Version: 1.0


    Template 1: PPE Inspection Checklist

    Date PPE Type Condition Inspected By Remarks
    DD/MM/YYYY Gloves/Suits/Goggles Good/Damaged Inspector Name Replaced/Needs Repair

    Template 2: PPE Training Record

    Date Employee Name PPE Type Trained Trainer Remarks
    DD/MM/YYYY Employee Name Gloves/Suits/Respirators Trainer Name Completed/Needs Follow-Up
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